Angular 2+ :@view Child

ANGULAR2 @view Child

Angular 7 ViewChild - Access Child Component in Angular ...

Viewchild offers one way interaction fro.m parent to child. There is no return mes.sage or output from child when ViewChild is used.

ViewChild is used for component to template communication. It is used to ref.erence a directive or element or component.


let element = document.getElementById('elementId');

@ViewChild('elementV.ariable') elementRef; // template reference variable

@ViewChild(NgModel) filterInput: NgModel; // angular directive - on template would look like: <input [(ngModel)]='listfilter'>

@ViewChild(Pare.ntComponent) Parent: (ParentComponent) // child com.ponent - on template would look like: <child-component[input1]='some.input'>

Detailed Example

We a DataListC.omponent that shows som.e information. DataListComponent has PagerComponent as it's child. When user. makes a search on DataListComponent, it gets a data from a servic.e and ask PagerComponent torefresh paging .layout based on .new number of pages.


impo.rt { Component, NgModule, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';

import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';

import { DataListService } from './dataList.service';

impo.rt { PagerComponent } from './pager.component';


     selector: 'datalist',

     template: `<input type='text' [(ngModel)]="searchText" />

     <button (click)="getData()">Search</button>


     <tr *ngFor="let person of personsData">





    <pager></pager> `


export class DataListComponent {

     private personsData = null;

     private searchText: string;

     @ViewChild(PagerComponent) private pagerComponent: PagerComponent;

     constructor(private dataListService: DataListService) {}



     var response = this.dataL.istService.getData(this.searchText);

     this.personsData =;

     this.pagerCom.ponent.setPaging(this.personsData / 10); //Show 10 records per page




     imports: [CommonModule],

     exports: [],

     declara.tions: [DataListComponent, Pag.erComponent], .

     providers: [DataListService],


export class DataListModule { }

In this way you can call functions defined at child components.

Child component is not available until parent component is rendered. Attempting to access to the child before parents AfterViewInit life cyle hook will cause exception.



Contact Persons


Rajesh G

Software Developer At GGK


Haswanth M

Front End Developer at TCS


Poorna K

FullStack Dev at Wipro


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